
Four heavy equipment were deployed to clean up landslide material that piled up the road in Nagari Tanjung Sani, Tanjung Raya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.

The landslide disaster hit Agam due to high rainfall on Thursday, July 13, evening.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ichwan Pratama Danda, in Lubuk Basung, Sunday, said that the four heavy equipment cleared the landslide material from two sides, namely from the Muko-Muko two units and from the Batang River two units. "The four heavy equipment cleared landslide material at several points and is still working," he said, as quoted from Antara.

He said the heavy equipment type of mini excavator belonging to the Agam Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUTR) Office and major excavators belonging to the Sumatra V River Basin Center. After that, the wheel loader belongs to the Agam Public Works and Spatial Planning and wheel loader belonging to the UPT Provincial Road Hall. "The heavy equipment has been lowered since Friday, July 14, after the landslide hit the area on Thursday, July 13, evening," he said. He admitted that currently there are still many landslide points in Nagari Tanjung Sani, so BPBD Agam uses rubber boats to deliver food to residents. With that condition, he continued, clearing the landslide soil material is sought as quickly as possible, so that the traffic flow returns to normal. Cleaning up the landslide material also involves BPBD Agam, Satpol PP Damkar Agam, TNI, Polri, Dishub Agam, Dhufa Singgalang Wallet, Baznas Agam, PMI Agam, PUTR Agam Service, residents, and others. "The team combined cleaning up the material together with the hope of completion as quickly as possible," he said. As soon as Regent Agam Andri Warman said, Agam Regency Government and other elements would work extra, because there were many avalanche points that must be handled. "We have to move quickly in carrying out material cleaning," he said. Andri also appealed to the public to remain vigilant about the weather that is sometimes uncertain.

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