JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) proposed the government and the General Election Commission (KPU) as election organizers to discuss the option of delaying the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. According to Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja, the option to postpone the 2024 Pilkada should be discussed because its implementation coincides with the 2024 General Election and there is also the potential for disruption of security and order. "We are also worried that in fact the 2024 Election (Pilkada) is due to voting in November 2024, in which October 2024 the new president's inauguration will certainly be with ministers and officials who may change. Therefore, we propose that it should discuss the option of postponement of elections (pilkada) because this is the first simultaneous time," said Bagja as quoted from the official Bawaslu website, Thursday, July 13. Furthermore, he gave an example if there is a security disturbance in an area, the police have the potential to get assistance from troops in other areas because other regions are also holding Pilkadas. "Previously, for example, there was a security disturbance in Makassar, there could be a transfer from the surrounding Polres or police from other provinces. If the 2024 Pilkada, it would be difficult because each region is ready to hold a similar election," he said. This was conveyed by Bagja in a Coordination Meeting of the Ministry and State Institutions organized by the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) with the theme "Potency and Situation of Mutak Kerawanan Election and its National Strategy", in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 12.
Previously, on the same occasion, Bagja explained a number of potential problems in the 2024 General Election and the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections. According to him, the potential for problems arose from three aspects, namely from organizers, election participants (elections), and voters. In the election organizers aspect, he said, several potential problems include updating voter data, procurement and distribution of election logistics such as ballots, or the workload of election organizers being too high. The other thing, he continued, is the synergy between Bawaslu and KPU related to KPU regulations (PKPU) and Bawaslu regulations (perbawaslu) which have not been optimal. "There are a lot of problems with this voter data, to the point that one family is different from polling stations (voting places), to getting angry. Likewise, ballots, there are many problems. For example, the lack of ballots from TPS A to TPS B. It can also cause problems," he said.
He continued that the second problem came from the aspect of election participants, such as the rampant money politics and the transparency of campaign fund reporting and neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN) which were not yet optimal. In addition, there is also a problem with the use of campaign props that are not orderly. Finally, Bagja conveyed the potential for the third problem from the voter aspect including voters who have difficulty exercising their voting rights, facing threats and disturbances related to freedom of choice, as well as the spread of fake news and hate speech. "This will be later when the determination of presidential and vice president candidates, it is possible that fake news and hate speech will be crowded again. We need to anticipate," he said.
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