
YOGYAKARTA - The case of Panji Gumilang led by Al Zaytun Indramayu Islamic Boarding School is not only blasphemy, but also suspected of money laundering. PPATK's findings in the case of Panji Gumilang further reveal the crime of embezzlement and money laundering committed by the 76-year-old man.

Ivan Yustiavandana, Head of PPATK, has submitted the results of the analysis of the Panji Gumilang transaction led by the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police last week. Based on the results of an investigation from PPAT, it was found that Panji Gumilang had trillions of transactions.

"The PG transaction and related parties are around Rp. 15 trillion more," Ivan said when confirmed on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

Ivan said that the Rp15 trillion transaction also includes those who entered and left the accounts of Panji Gumilang, the foundation, and other related parties. So what are the findings of PPATK in the Panji Gumilang case?

In the process of investigating the Panji Gumilang case, PPATK has frozen hundreds of accounts related to the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. PPATK found that hundreds of accounts belonging to Panji had using the names of six different people.

Law enforcement revealed that the transaction value of the 256 accounts belonging to Panji Gumilang amounted to trillion within five years. The source of the money obtained by Panji Gumilang was allegedly from the results of fraud, foundation contributors, and was related to the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII). According to him, the foundation's money was also used personally by Panji.

After receiving data from PPATK, Bareskrim Polri immediately investigated the alleged money laundering committed by Panji Gumilang. This investigation was carried out because it was suspected of misuse of assets belonging to the Al Zaytun boarding school.

Bareskrim Polri has also prepared articles on blasphemy and the spread of hoaxes in the investigation of the Panji Gumilang case. However, Panji Gumilang has not yet been named a suspect even though multiple articles have been prepared to ensnare him.

The name Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is increasingly in the public spotlight after the emergence of the Panji Gumilang case which conveyed heretical teachings. Actually, Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School has indeed drawn controversy since decades ago.

MUI once formed a special research team to reveal facts and findings in 2002 related to the Al Zaytun pesantren. The controversy found relates to the doctrine of teachings, institutional affiliation, and religious concepts taught.

Such is the review of the findings of PPATK in the Panji Gumilang case. The name of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is getting tarnished and gets a slanted stigma after the Panji Gumilang case is increasingly being revealed.

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