
YOGYAKARTA - Maqdir Ismail, the lawyer for the alleged corruption of BTS BAKTI Kominfo, will soon be summoned by the Indonesian Attorney General's Office. Maqdir Ismail's summons was made after he said there was a private party who returned the Rp27 billion in the case. So what is Maqdir Ismail's profile like?

The Indonesian Attorney General's Office has rescheduled Maqdir Ismail's summons after receiving a letter requesting a postponement. The postponement of the summons was submitted to change the schedule from Monday to Thursday because Maqdir could not fulfill the initial summons.

AGO investigators will invite Maqdir as a sanction in disclosing the alleged corruption case of the BTS Kominfo infrastructure project. What is the profile of Maqdir Ismail and his actions like?

Maqdir Ismail's name is quite popular in the world of Indonesian law as a senior lawyer. Maqdir Ismail was born on August 18, 1945. Maqdir once studied domestically and abroad to provide his knowledge in the field of law.

Maqdir Ismail completed his Bachelor's degree (S1) in Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta. He then continued his education to the Master of Law at the University of Western Australia. He also succeeded in holding the title of Banking Law Doctor from the University of Indonesia (UI).

Maqdir Ismail began his career in the legal world in 1980 as a consultant at the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH). At that time, he focused on handling litigation cases and resolving cases.

Maqdir is also one of the founders of Adnan Buyung Nasution & Partners (1995-2000). He was also the founder and partner Manager of Maqdir Ismail & Partner in 2005. Over time, Maqdir managed to improve his career in the field of law. Together with his own law firm, Maqdir has handled many cases that dragged the names of high-profile people in Indonesia.

Maqdir Ismail became increasingly famous when he became Setya Novanto's legal team in the e-KTP corruption case. Maqdir was noted to have received a number of client important officials, such as Prabowo Subianto, Ibas Yudhoyono, Antasari Azhar, and others.

That is the profile of Maqdir Ismail who was immediately summoned by the Indonesian Attorney General's Office to be a witness in the alleged corruption case of the BTS Kominfo project. Maqdir Ismail is a senior lawyer who already has a lot of experience in handling important cases.

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