
Makassar Customs and Excise, South Sulawesi finally examined a pilgrim named Suarnati Daeng Kanang whose viral video brought 180 grams of gold jewelry home after buying in the holy land after the 2023 pilgrimage.

"Currently, we are still in the process of investigating our surveillance unit," said Head of the Makassar Customs Information and Information Service Section Ria Novika Sari on the sidelines of an examination at her office, Jalan Nusantara Makassar, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

Daeng Kanang was asked for information regarding his luggage in the form of gold which can be subject to import duties.

"For material, maybe I can't explain it here. But first, it's related to the person's confirmation, then checking the goods. So, we will check the goods first whether it's real gold or imitation," said Novika.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) number 203/PMK.04/2017 concerning Imports of Goods Brought by Passengers, Crew of Transportation Facilities, Border Crossers, and Shipments, the Indonesian government has set limits on exemption from personal goods imports of 500 US dollars or around Rp. 7.5 million per person for every arrival to Indonesia.

"Then the tax calculation is carried out. There is a provision for imports of 500 US dollars. More (the price of goods) will be calculated for import duties and import taxes. If 500 US dollars is around Rp. 7 million," he said.

Although it is still in the process of being examined, if it exceeds the provisions of the luggage, the rest will be subject to taxes according to applicable regulations, or collected import duties (BM) and taxes in the context of imports (PDRI), namely VAT, PPnBM, and PPh.

"Later, when we have examined, we will conduct further research, to determine follow-up steps. So far I have not been able to convey (the examination material) because it is still in the process of being investigated," he said.

Suarnati's legal adviser, Ayu, after accompanying the examination at Makassar Customs and Excise, said that her client was asked to clarify the purchase of gold and that there was no problem.

"It has been clarified in Customs and Excise. That was the information. So, we have no more problems in Customs and Excise. It has been clarified everything related to the viral video. From eight o'clock (checked). For more details, please confirm with Customs and Excise," he said as he walked out of the local Customs office.

Previously, a pilgrim from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Suarnati Daeng Kanang, bruised a number of gold on his body after landing at Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Maros Regency on Wednesday (5/7/2023) from the holy land in the first batch.

This female Hajj pilgrim knows that the food entrepreneur whose actions were later recorded and the video went viral on social media until finally dealing with Customs and Excise for examination related to his luggage luxury.

Apart from Suarnarti, another pilgrim, Mira Hayati from Makassar, South Sulawesi, also brought home the gold weighing one kilogram that she bought in the holy land. The gold was bought for by her family in Makassar with a total purchase of more than Rp1 billion in gold.

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