
PAMEKASAN - Civitas Academics Madura University expressed its aspirations to the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, when LaNyalla gave a Public Lecture on National Insights at Madura University on Saturday, July 8. These aspirations highlight the desire for Madura Island to be increased to become a separate province.

"We entrust our aspirations to the Chairman of the DPD RI to fight for Madura Province," said the General Chairperson of the DPM Madura University, Homaidi when delivering his remarks.

He also asked for support from LaNyalla to realize the aspirations of the people of Madura Island.

"We ask for support from the Chairman of the DPD RI so that Madura Province can be realized. We also agree with the idea of the Chairman of the DPD RI to return this nation to the original version of the 1945 Constitution," he added.

LaNyalla responded to these aspirations with a commitment to fight for them and forward these aspirations to the government. He explained, "Our job in the DPD RI is to absorb and continue the aspirations of the regional community to the government, including aspirations related to Madura Province."

LaNyalla also revealed that regional expansion into provinces is a natural thing as long as it remains within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The main goal of expanding the region must be to improve the welfare of the people in the region. He highlighted Indonesia's unhealthy economic conditions, especially related to productivity and investment.

According to LaNyalla, it is important to restore people's sovereignty and their welfare by referring back to the original version of the 1945 Constitution which was later updated through an addendum. He stated that the country's economy currently depends too much on the free market mechanism, so that only a small part of people enjoy wealth and prosperity while many people live in poverty.

LaNyalla explained that since the 25-year reform, power in government has been more in the hands of the elected party chairman and president, while the people have lost their sovereignty. He emphasized the importance of the role of the MPR as the highest state institution representing all elements of the nation and determining the direction of the state.

LaNyalla invites the entire community to fight for the national consensus so that this nation returns based on Pancasila. He emphasized the importance of improving the existing constitutional weaknesses without changing the state structure that has been formulated by the nation's founders.

The activity was attended by Vice Chancellor I Dra Sri Harini, Deputy Chancellor II Dr. Gazali, Vice Chancellor III Dr. Win Yuli Wardani, the Deans at Madura University, Member of the Pamekasan DPRD Muhammad Khomarul Wahyudi, General Chairperson of the DPM Madura University Homaidi, and hundreds of students from various faculties at Madura University.

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