
YOGYAKARTA Good news for people who want to study on scholarships. The reason is, the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) has opened the 2023 Cendekia Baznas Scholarship.

This article will provide information about the latest educational scholarships from Baznas starting from schedules, requirements, to how to register them.

The Cendekia Baznas Scholarship (BCB) is a scholarship in the form of education funds for students studying at the mintra Baznas campus. This scholarship is given to student participants for Diploma-IV (D4) and undergraduate (S1) levels. For information, Baznas itself partnered with 111 universities in Indonesia.

The form of scholarships provided by Baznas is education financing for 4 semesters, starting from the 5th semester to the 8th semester or also until students graduate from college if they manage to complete their study period before the 8th semester.

Quoted from the Baznas website, there are two forms of scholarships that Baznas will give participants, namely in the form of tungal tuition fees (UKT) up to IDR 3 million per semester and self-development from Bazarnas to participants by bringing in campus mentors and national-scale figures.

Quoting the Cindekia BAZNAS Domestic Scholarship Registration Guideline leaflet for 2023, the requirements for the 2023 Cendekia Baznas Scholarship are as follows.

How to register for the 2023 Cendekia Baznas Scholarship is quite easy, prospective participants are required to download and then complete the registration form according to the required file format that has been downloaded. The file can be downloaded at the address. After that, the filled files are collected at the scholarship service at each university.

The schedule for registering for the 2023 Cendekia Baznas Scholarship starts on July 3 to 12, 2023 on each campus. After that, the administrative selection period will start on July 12-21, 2023. The participants who pass will take part in the interview selection which will be held from July 24-31, 2023. Baznas also provides a rebuttal period starting August 1-30, 2023. Meanwhile, the announcement of participants who pass and get Baznas scholarships is the 31st Austus 2023.

That's information about the 2023 Cendekia Baznas Scholarship. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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