
MANOKWARI - The West Papua High Prosecutor's Office has scheduled to examine two unscrupulous public prosecutors (JPU) at the Manokwari District Attorney's Office with the initials U and A as well as a administrative staff with the initials H on suspicion of receiving gratuities amounting to IDR 65 million.

"Starting today, we will withdraw it to the High Prosecutor's Office for intensive examination", said Head of the West Papua High Prosecutor's Office, Harli Siregar, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 3.

Harli Siregar explained that the examination was to find out the substance of the alleged gratification in cases of violence against children. It is suspected that the gratuity was received by two prosecutors and a staff member from the family of the suspect in the case of violence against children.

The alleged gratification had gone viral on TikTok social media some time ago. This, he said, requires proof through a detailed examination by the Assistant Supervisory of the West Papua High Prosecutor's Office.

"The content uploader is asked for information or not, later seen", said Harli.

According to him, the actions of prosecutors who violate the authority have tarnished the Adhyaksa institution. Therefore, overall improvement is needed in order to uphold the value of integrity.

If two prosecutors and staff at the Manokwari District Attorney are proven to have committed a criminal act, he asserts that the three of them will undergo legal proceedings in accordance with orders from the Attorney General.

"With this incident, it makes it easier for me as a new official to map the internal situation. This is a clean-up moment", he said.

Harli also reminded that all prosecutors in all areas of West Papua and Southwest Papua work professionally in accordance with Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.

His party is determined to increase internal consolidation in each ranks, both the high prosecutor's office and the public prosecutor's office in West Papua and Southwest Papua.

"This case is a warning to other prosecutors not to violate their authority. I have received information that there are others. However, of course it must be objective", said Harli Siregar.

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