
Sukabumi City Police in the past month or in June revealed four cases of alleged criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) whose several victims were minors.

"From the results of the disclosure of the TIP case, we managed to arrest eight suspects who are residents of Sukabumi City, Bogor City, Badung City and Batam," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

According to Ari, various modus operandi is used by the alleged perpetrators of TIP, ranging from promising jobs to high wages. The target targets are young women and even some are underage.

Usually these suspects target women with backgrounds from weak economic families. So by tricking them, the victims are willing to obey orders from the suspects.

In fact, the victims were turned into commercial sex workers (CSWs) and worked in plus-plus massage parlors. Ironically, the victims were not given according to the promised wages.

These victims were not only used as regional prostitutes who were included in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police, but some of them were employed outside the area such as Bogor, Bekasi to Batam.

In fact, at the end of June, the Sukabumi City Police TPPO Task Force arrested two suspects in the Bandung area where five female victims were dispatched to Cambodia. These two suspects have indeed been in action to target young women to be dispatched to Cambodia.

In order for the victim to be interested, the perpetrator promised a salary of Rp. 9 million/month, but in reality they were only given a wage of Rp. 3 million/month. Worse, the victims are employed as scammers or perpetrators of online fraud.

"We appreciate the Sukabumi City Police TIP Task Force, although it was only formed in early June 2023 but has succeeded in uncovering a number of TIP cases that occurred in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi City Police, AKP Yanto Sudiarto, said that his party was still developing the TIP case and did not rule out other suspects.

The police appealed to residents who were victims of TIP to dare to report so that the case could be handled immediately and the perpetrators could be caught. Then the public was asked to help the police by providing information if they knew or suspected of a TIP case.

Meanwhile, the eight suspects were charged with Article 4 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of TIP and Article 69 in conjunction with Article 81 UURI Number 18 of 2018 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

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