
JAKARTA The rise of cases of criminal trafficking in persons (TPPO) which has recently been revealed by the police, needs to be a public record to be more vigilant and careful about high-paid work offers abroad.

Ditegaskan kembali, Polda Jawa Timur mengimbau masyarakat untuk mewaspadai adanya penawaran kerja di luar negeri dan iming-iming pay besar.

"The East Java Regional Police are trying to prevent the occurrence of TIP cases, by aggressively urging the public not to be tempted by the seduction of large work salaries abroad," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, Antara, Thursday, June 29.

To minimize the practice of TIP, Dirmanto said the East Java Regional Police maximized the function of Bhayangkara for Community Security and Order Development (Bhabinkamtibmas) and the RW Police to appeal to the public to avoid the TIP case.

Dirmanto hopes that all East Java residents who will work abroad will ensure that all processes are carried out officially, legally and procedurally.

"So, don't try to do it non-procedurally with the seduction of big salaries," he added.

According to him, the preventive step that the police can take in this case is to monitor and appeal from the smallest scale at the village or sub-district level.

The presence of Bhabinkamtibmas, Village Guidance Officer (Babinsa), village head, and village head is an important part to monitor the movement of its citizens who want to go abroad to work.

Every resident who will leave his area for a long time, he said, is unlikely to be confirmed to the village head and village head. Therefore, the three spearheads at the very bottom, including the RW Police, are also important to supervise their citizens.

"Especially in villages where residents are confirmed, there is a tendency to take positions to work abroad," he said.

The East Java Police TIP Task Force continues to hunt down and uncover TIP cases against prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) and domestic sexual exploitation.

From January to June 2023, the East Java Police TIP Task Force revealed 24 TIP cases and strict action has been taken in accordance with applicable law. From the disclosure of the TIP case, 38 suspects have been arrested by the East Java Regional Police with 233 victims.

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