
Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said winning the governor election contest was not an easy matter even at the Central Java level.

"There is no easy victory, yes, victory must be achieved with sacrifice," he said in Solo, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.

Regarding the election for governor, Gibran is still reluctant to provide further explanations. In fact, Gibran admitted that he had not made a choice to run for the Central Java gubernatorial election or the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election.

According to him, there is still a lot of work to be done in Solo.

"I don't choose anywhere. I'm still here (Solo, Red.), there's still a lot of work, you know. You don't have to think about ngono kuwi (Thinking like that)," he said.

According to him, Central Java and DKI Jakarta were not the ones who decided but residents.

"I don't know, it was a decision in the residents, not in me, which was the quality of the residents," he said.

Regarding the results of the Central Java Governor election survey conducted by a number of survey institutions, Gibran was reluctant to respond much.

"Yes, it's okay," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the large number of national political figures who came to support him in advancing to the Central Java Pilgub, Gibran was also reluctant to respond. However, he admitted that there was indeed a lot of support for him.

"It's normal. There are some supports but I'm normal, right here," he said.

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