JAKARTA - The National Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force or TIP has named 552 people as suspects. They were arrested in the period 5-22 June.
"Then the number of suspects in the TIP case was 552 people," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, June 22.
During that period, the TIP Task Force at the central and regional levels received 472 police reports (LP). However, of the hundreds of reports, some of them are still in the investigation stage.
"Why is it still in the process that there are investigations, some are investigations, of course each TKP, each Polda has different handlings," he said.
"Because each mode is different. If it is still an investigation, it could still be a development stage looking for the perpetrators or other suspects. Moreover, there are other networks," continued Ramadhan.
Based on reports from the TIP Task Force throughout Indonesia, it was recorded that 1,596 victims could be rescued. They were found in shelters before being illegally sent to several countries.
"Successfully rescued has not become an illegal migrant worker, still in a shelter. We are taking action against the perpetrator and we have rescued the victim," he said.
Based on the results of the disclosure, there are 4 modes that are often used by the TIP network. Starting from being used as a migrant worker to commercial sex workers or prostitutes.
"Then there are four modes carried out as stated yesterday, with the largest mode being legal migrant workers, then crew members, modes of making prostitutes, and exploitation of children," said Ramadhan.
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