
MALUKU - The East Seram Resort Police (Polres) succeeded in detaining two suspects in the criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO), Jamres Woapoti alias James and Fitriani Rumuar alias Onco. The suspect was detained for 20 days starting from June 17, 2023 to July 6, 2023 for allegedly committing a criminal act of crime against decency as referred to in Article 296 of the Criminal Code and or Article 506 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. " “ The case is a case of decency in SBT which we first met and then we revealed. They were threatened with one year in prison,” said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of SBT Police Iptu Rahmat Ramdani in Ambon, Antara, Thursday, June 22. The two suspects have now been detained at the SBT Police Station. Both were arrested at one of the inns in Bila, Eastern Seram, last Saturday, June 17. Ramdani said the chronology began when the suspect gave a female WhatsApp number to a masher. Then the masher promised the suspects James and Onco to meet and make transactions at the Delta Hotel. This case was revealed when an Opsnal member of the SBT Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an investigation and suspected that a woman was riding a motorcycle taxi and went straight to Delta's inn. Not long after, a man entered the inn following the woman. "Not long after, members entered and met the inn keeper and asked where the two were, then the inn keeper said they rented room number 4," he explained. After receiving this information, members immediately moved to arrest the two of them and took them to the SBT Police Station for questioning. "“Development in this case is indeed a victim of the actions taken not only by one person but this activity has been repeated. We are still investigating, maybe there are other suspects who have helped in the case,” he asserted. He appealed to the security forces regarding this case of decency crimes, so that parents pay more attention to minors. “ Watch out for them, protect their children, always check the whereabouts of the children, what and do anything. So they are not trapped and are not affected by unwanted things, ” Ramdani appealed

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