
YOGYAKARTA - There are nine areas in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with meteorological drought alert status with the potential for low rainfall revealed by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

"Nine areas are aware of the meteorological drought in DIY, namely Prambanan District, Sleman Regency, Sentolo District (Kulon Progo), Sedayu District, Pandak, Imogiri ( Bantul), Patuk District, Playen, Wonosari, Nglipar (Gunungkidul)," said Head of the BMKG Climatology Station Yogyakarta Reni Kraningtyas in a statement in Yogyakarta, Saturday.

According to Reni, the meteorological drought alert status is based on the results of rainfall monitoring in DIY until June 10, 2023.

"The nine sub-districts with alert status have experienced days without rain for more than 21 days with low rainfall forecasts below 20 mm per basis," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 10.

In the area, he said, the chance of drought reached 70 percent.

He explained that meteorological drought is reduced rainfall from normal conditions.

"The decrease in rainfall over a long period of time with months, two months, and so on," he said.

According to him, the threat of drought has the potential to cause a number of impacts, such as in the agricultural sector with a rainy system.

"In addition, the availability of groundwater is reduced, there is a shortage of clean water, and an increase in the potential for forest and land fires," he said.

Therefore, said Reni, vigilance and anticipatory efforts from the local community are needed regarding the impact of drought.

Head of the BMKG Data and Information Group of the Yogyakarta Etik Setyaningrum Climatology Station, added that the period of drought alert status in DIY is valid for the next ten days or the second basis of June 2023.

"After that, the status can change to no warning in the area or rise to status level, depending on climate conditions in the future," said Ethics.

The DIY Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has prepared a number of mitigation measures to anticipate the scarcity of clean water when entering the dry season.

DIY BPBD Operations Control Center Manager (Pusdalops) Lilik Andi Aryanto said mitigation efforts had been discussed in a coordination meeting with district/city BPBDs throughout DIY, PUP-PESDM DIY Service, and the DIY Social Service.

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