
PALU - The Undata Palu Hospital Authority (RS) involves psychiatrists and psychologists to deal with trauma recovery for rape victims by 11 men in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng).

"Now the patient's health condition is very good. We also involve expert doctors and psychology for the victim's psychological recovery," said Director of the Undata Palu Hospital Dr. Herry Mulyadi in Palu as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.

He stated that the results of the referral hospital examination from Poso Regency and the re-examination at the Undata Hospital in Palu were similar.

In the near future, his party will conduct a contrasting CT scan as a follow-up examination to determine further action.

"Our patients move them in a new room and are still isolated, prohibited from visiting other than the accompanying family," said Herry.

According to him, the results of the CT scan will determine whether the operation will be carried out or not by the hospital. He said the plan for a contrasting CT scan would be carried out at Bhayangkara Hospital in Palu.

"Whether an operation is carried out or not, if an operation is carried out, whether it is carried out at the Undata Palu Hospital or referred considering that regional hospitals have SOPs and doctors in Palu also have capacity and authority limits," said Herry.

He said Undata Hospital treats all patients the same and tries to provide the best possible service.

Previously, the hospital had scheduled to carry out surgery to remove the uterus next week. This could change if the patient's condition gets better and there are signs of recovery.

"Public suspicion, we can do everything, doctors have limited authority so that later we will see the results of the CT scan," said Herry.

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