Wanting To Complete Homework Before The End Of Office, Bima Arya Asks His Staff To Work Hard And Work Sincerely
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya gave a speech. (Photo via ANTARA/Bogor City Government)


Bogor Mayor Bima Arya will complete his tenure in December 2023. Before his term ends, Bima Arya has a mission to complete.

He wants to complete the homework that is currently still left. For that, he asked all his staff, including the sub-district and village head, to work harder.

This was conveyed by Bima Arya in his remarks at the 541st Bogor Anniversary Plenary Session at the Bogor City DPRD Building, Saturday, June 3.

"I ask all heads of offices, sub-district and village heads to work harder and fight more sincerely to complete the remaining homework," said Bima Arya.

The Bogor City Government is indeed amsih implementing several infrastructure developments towards the end of Bima Arya's leadership. Development activities that are being carried out include the revitalization of the Otista Bridge, the construction of parking bags, the demolition of Plaza Bogor to be used as green open space, and the revitalization of the Jambu Dua Main Market into a modern market.

The Bogor City Government has recently received criticism and input from various parties regarding these development programs.

Bima Arya said it would not be easy to complete all the programs that were planned perfectly considering that there were limited time, technical problems, to rejection from parties who had different views from the government.

"But I advise all Bogor City ASN, straighten out our intentions and clean our hearts, continue to run to complete all our tasks. Try to stand above all interests and groups," he said.

Bima called on the state civil apparatus (ASN) within the Bogor City Government to complete the work that had been planned by the city government.

"Let's leave a valuable legacy for the future generation of Bogor City. Let's inherit the leadership that is an example for all. Let's make our position, our signature, only to make the people happy and prosperous," he said.

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