
TANGERANG - A total of 9,393 voters from Tangerang Regency do not meet the requirements (TMS) as voters in the upcoming 2024 election. On average, those with TMS are recorded as doubles to death.

Acting Chairman of the Tangerang Regency KPU, Ita Murhayati said that currently thousands of data is included in the Temporary Voter List for Improvement Results (DPSHP).

"Based on DPSHP, there was a reduction of 9,393 TMS voter data. Initially, 2,366,655 became 1,357,262 voters," said Murhayati when confirmed, Thursday, June 1.

Furthermore, Murhayati said 9393 voters who were crossed out in the DPSHP because of double data, moved domicile to become members of the TNI-Polri were known when they were uploaded on the Sidalih page.

He added that the identified data did not meet the requirements, most of which were in the Pasar Kemis area, Tangerang Regency, namely 19,067 people.

When uploaded to Sidalih, it has only been found out twice and is in any area. Most of them are in Pasar Kemis District, namely 19067 people," he concluded

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