
YOGYAKARTA Recently, several videos have gone viral regarding the use of airsoft guns that are not in accordance with their designation. As done by Koboi Tomang David Yulianto. He directed a gun at an online taxi driver on the Inner City Toll Road in the Tomang area, West Jakarta, because he did not accept the car he was driving was overtaken. So, what are the rules for airsoft gun ownership in Indonesia?

According to the National Police Chief Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Supervision and Control of Firearms for Sports Interests, airsoft guns are objects of shape, work system and/or function resembling firearms made of plastic and/or mixtures that can eject Bali Bullets (BB).

From the above understanding, it can be concluded that the airsoft gun is a toy weapon. However, the use of an airsoft gun cannot be arbitrary. These toy firearms can only be used at training locations or match locations.

In addition, the use of airsoft guns must also obtain permission from the authorities. Here are a number of requirements to own or use an airsoft gun:

In addition to these 5 conditions, there are still airsoft gun ownership permit procedures, including:

For additional information, this airsoft gun ownership and use permit is only valid for one year from the date it is issued. Therefore, airsoft gun owners are required to extend their permits every year at the local Police.

This is information about the rules for airsoft gun ownership in Indonesia. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting news.

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