
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police requested that Nindy Ayunda be present at the summons for examination as a witness in the alleged investigation case. In fact, the singer was reminded that investigators have the authority regarding the investigation process.

"Please be present to fulfill the investigator's summons for questioning, if investigators are not present, they have the authority to be protected by law," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro when confirmed, Wednesday, May 24.

Investigators' authority if Nindy is not present is to send a second summons. This is because Dito Mahendra's lover is only scheduled for the first time to be investigated for allegedly hiding the suspect.

However, if later Nindy is not present at the second summons, investigators have the authority to bring them forcibly.

This is stated in Article 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code concerning parties who are summoned to come to investigators and if he does not come, investigators call once again, with an order to the officers to bring him.

"Regarding (the case) 221, only the first call," he said.

In addition, the first summons were mentioned if until now Nindy Ayunda or her attorney had not confirmed her presence. However, investigators are still waiting for the goodwill of Dito Mahendra's lover.

"There is no (confirmed presence, ed) yet," said Djuhandhani.

Nindy Ayunda will be questioned on Friday, May 26. The singer will be questioned regarding the suspicion of hiding Dito Mahendra, a fugitive suspect in the alleged illegal possession of firearms (senpi).

In handling the Dito Mahendra case, investigators made a model A report regarding the alleged violation of Article 221 of the related Criminal Code in hiding suspects.

The report regarding the alleged hiding of the suspect was registered with the number LP/A/5/V/2023/SPKT.DITTIPIDUM/BARESKRIM POLRI dated May 20, 2023.

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