David Ozora's Family Clarification Insinuates Mario Dandy Has Not Been Tried, Maybe Someone Is "In The Wind"
Mario Dandy At The South Jakarta Police/ Photo: IST


JAKARTA - David Ozora's family, Alto Luger, explained his remarks on the Twitter account that insinuated the Polda Metro Jaya in handling the case of abuse by Mario Dandy.

Alto explained his reason for making the post, because he was very disappointed about Mario Dandy Cs' case file which had not yet been completed. According to Alto, this disappointment is not only for families but for all people.

"Yes, that's for sure. And it's not just family disappointment, but the disappointment of the whole community who are following the development of this case," Alto said when confirmed, Tuesday, May 23.

"So it shouldn't take too long for the filing process for Mario and Shane. But from what happened from February 20 to now, how many months, it's been three months and a long time, right. So that's disappointment," he continued.

In addition, he also considered that this case would continue to drag on. So the public will assume that it is illegal against the case of Mario Dandy's violence, whose note was the son of the former Tax Officer

"Because the longer this case has not been tried. Then there will be more wild assumptions that they have caught a cold. Because so far the perspective of the public about the Police has been going down because of the previous case," he concluded.

Previously, David Ozora's family, Alto Luger, admitted that he was tired of waiting for clarity on Mario Dandy's premeditated abuse case, Shane Lukas, and AG's son against David Ozora. He also conveyed this through his Twitter account.

"Dear Polda Metro Jaya. We, David Ozora's family, are following the development of this case on Mario Dandy's main suspect, the great molester is planning for our son David to feel tired of the uncertainty in the development of this case," Alto said on his personal Twitter account @AltoLuger, Tuesday, May 23.

Alto quipped by saying that it would be better if Mario Dandy was released from his prison sentence. Moreover, he also deserves to be given a freekick or free kick.

"For that, we feel that Mario Dandy should be released, and at the same time appointed as Ambassador Free Kick by Polda Metro Jaya, because of his extraordinary achievements, namely being able to see a child's head as a ball that deserves to be kicked, and ending with a celebration," he said.

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