
The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force) through the DKI Jakarta Branch State Receivable Affairs Committee (PUPN) confiscated collateral assets submitted by the debtor of Lucky Star Navigation Corporation with an estimated value of IDR 50.99 billion.

The confiscated assets included five plots of land covering an area of 509,908 m2 located in Tiwoho Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi according to Building Use Rights Certificate (SHGB) Number 4-8/Tiwoho on behalf of PT Awani Modern Indonesia.

Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban said the assets were confiscated in order to settle the receivable obligations to the state amounting to 27.05 million US dollars, not including the administrative costs of 10 percent.

The confiscation of this guarantee was carried out by the BLBI Task Force together with the bailiff of the Manado State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL), which was attended by the Director of Law and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) Yanis Dhaniarto and the Head of the Regional Office of DJKN North, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and North Maluku Sigit Rahadjo.

Also present were KPKNL Jakarta Head I Wildan Ahmad Fananto, Head of KPKNL Manado, Rofiq Manshur, as well as security from the BLBI Bareskrim Polri Gakkum Task Force.

The Gakkum Bareskrim Polri Task Force Team is led by Kombes Pol. Sandy Hermawan, accompanied by Ipda Agus Hidayat, Ipda Thomser Cristian Natal, and Bripda Angger Aditya Wibisono. The activity was also attended by a team from the North Sulawesi Police, Manado Police, Wori Police, and local village officials.

Rionald explained, then the assets of debtors or obligors that have been confiscated will continue the management process through the PUPN mechanism, namely open sales (auctions) and/or other settlements.

However, until further management is carried out by PUPN, confiscated assets can still be occupied or used by debtors or obligors.

The BLBI Task Force will continue to make ongoing efforts to ensure the return of state collection rights through a series of efforts such as blocking, confiscation, and selling of obligor or debtor assets which are collateral goods and other assets owned by obligors or debtors who have received BLBI funds and have not or have not completed their obligations to the state properly.

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