
The Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has not charged two suspects in trafficking 25 Indonesian citizens to Myanmar under suspicion of money laundering, but will investigate the flow of funds from the two suspects.

According to the Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Pol. Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro, Thursday, May 18, from the results of the preliminary investigation, no money laundering (TPPU) has been committed by the two suspects.

"Indeed, there is no money laundering offense, we will only investigate the flow," said Djuhadhani, quoting Antara, Thursday, May 18.

The two perpetrators named as suspects, namely Anita Setia Dewi and Andri Satria Nugraha, not a married couple, were co-workers who were arrested on Tuesday, May 9 at the Sayana Apartment 21st Floor room no. 2,107, Harapan Indah City, Pusaka Rakyat Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.

As a result of the investigation, the two suspects recruited 16 of 25 Indonesian citizens who were victims of TIP in Myanmar. Both were charged with Article 4 of Law Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Persons (TPPO) or Article 18 of Law in 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

Previously, Djuhandhani said investigators had coordinated with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to trace the flow of funds from the suspects, including the companies involved with the suspects, as well as to find out if there was any profit from the suspects from their illegal practices.

"Later, from the results of the PPATK tracing, we will find out how much profit will be made from the perpetrators related to these 25 Indonesian citizens," said Djuhandhani.

As for the results of the investigation, the recruitment pattern carried out by the two perpetrators was revealed, namely recruiting victims with job offers to Thailand through relatives, friends, or acquaintances.

Then, the victim was assisted by passport management by the perpetrator and an interview was conducted by the user using a video calling feature. Several victims of this non-procedural migrant worker were accommodated in a house and apartment belonging to the perpetrator, where the two perpetrators were arrested.

Then what became the modus operandi of this crime was without using the placement company of migrant workers and then without using a work visa, then the victim was equipped with a letter of assignment from Indonesia, namely CV Prima Karya Gemilang and identification to trick Immigration officers.

Furthermore, the victim was dispatched to Bangkok, Thailand on the grounds of interviewing and job selection, if received a work visa will be issued. The victim was provided with a Jakarta-Bangkok round-trip ticket, then illegally dispatched to Myanmar via the Maysot border.

The perpetrator offered a job by being promised as marketing an online operator with a salary of between Rp. 12 million to Rp. 15 million per month, and there is a commission if it reaches the target, with a working time of 12 hours per day and every six months you can take leave, you can return to Indonesia.

But in reality, the exploited workers were given a work contract in Chinese that was not understood by the workers. The victim was employed at an online scams company owned by Chinese citizens, placed in a closed place guarded by gunmen.

A 12-hour work promise, in reality 18 hours, the victim was employed from 20.00 to 14.00. For a salary never given, the victim only received Rp. 3 million and had not even been given a salary.

If the victim does not reach the target, he will be given sanctions in the form of salary deductions including physical action and physical violence in the form of drying, skotjam, some who receive violence in the form of blows, and locked up.

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