
KUPANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reports that 100 percent of the total season zones (zom) in the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) region are currently in the period of the 2023 dry season.

"The results of the analysis show that 100 percent of the zom in NTT has been in the dry season period, so vigilance is needed regarding the threat of drought," said Head of the BMKG Climatology Station Rahmattulloh Adji in Kupang as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 15.

He conveyed this related to the early warning of meteorological drought in the 2023 dry season in the NTT region.

Adji explained that the daily data without rain updated as of May 10 shows that a small part of NTT has experienced days without successive rain for more than 21-30 days.

Forecasts of rainfall opportunities show that several areas in NTT are expected to experience very low rainfall (less than 20 millimeters/basis) with a chance of more than 70 percent.

Therefore, his party issued an early warning of the threat of drought so that residents in NTT can prepare the necessary anticipatory steps.

Adji said the threat of drought could have various impacts, such as on the agricultural sector with a rainy system.

In addition, he said, the reduced availability of ground water has caused a shortage of clean water and increased the potential for the ease of fire.

BMKG advises farmers to choose suitable plants for dry season conditions so that they have the opportunity to be harvested. In addition, residents also need to start saving on clean water so that their needs can be met during the dry season.

"Residents also need to avoid actions that can trigger the emergence of hotspots so as not to spread which cause forest and land fires," he said.

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