
CENTRAL LOMBOK - Central Lombok Regency Government, West Nusa Tenggara stated, the process of continuing the construction of the cable train from Karang Sidemen Village towards the Mount Rinjani area until now has not been clear after the previous groundbreaking of December 2022. "The progress of the continuation of the cable car construction from Central Lombok to the Mount Rinjani area has not yet been informed," said the Head of the Central Lombok Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency (Bapperinda), Lalu Wiranata in Praya, Antara, Thursday, May 11.Investors together with the NTB provincial government and the local government have laid the first stone for the construction of a cable train towards the Rinjani Mount area by the end of 2022. Only until now there is still no information related to the development plan. "We are still waiting for information from investors," he said. The existence of a cable train towards the Rinjani Mountain area will support the Sport Tourism destination and increase tourist visits in NTB in general. "This cableing train is an alternative for tourists who are unable to climb to see the beauty of Mount Rinjani," he said. He assessed that the existence of the cable car would not eliminate the work of the porters in the Rinjani Mountain Area, because it already has its own market. "This means that those who are strong climbing will use porter services and for tourists who are not strong can use cable trains," he said. Previously, Central Lombok Regent, Nusa H Pathul Bahri supports the plan to build a cable train towards Mount Rinjani in Karang Sidmen Village, North Batikliang District, because it can drive the community's economy. "This will drive the economic growth of the community in Central Lombok," he said. He said that the construction of the cable train was built by investors from China with a project value of IDR 2.2 trillion, targeted to be completed by 2025. The existence of this cable train is expected to be an early point of community economic movement in the northern region of Central Lombok, so that there is an equilibrium with the construction of the Mandalika Circuit in the Special Economic Zone (KEK).

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