JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health marks the start of a heart catheterization service (cath lab) at Komodo Hospital, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, by carrying outappropriation surgery.
"The action taken was in the form ofile angiography intensive heart patients," said the doctor who carried out the operation, I Kadek Susila Surya Darma as quoted in a press release from the Ministry of Health's Public Communications and Services Bureau, Antara, Thursday, May 11.
The activity was carried out on Wednesday.circery angriography is an invasive examination procedure carried out to be able to see the narrowing or blocking structure oftenuic blood vessels in patients suspected of havingappropriated heart disease.
The first operation aims to diagnose the patient's disease. Actions start at 09.00 to 09.25 WITA.
"This activity went smoothly and the patient was stable without complaints. The action was carried out by doctors and a lab paint team from the Ngoerah Bali Hospital," he said.
The patient is an elderly person aged 54 years with risk factors for diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Patients often complain of pain in the chest after doing serious activities.
According to Susila, the operation was carried out through a diagnostic catheterization procedure, using the method of inserting a catheter through a radialistic arterial blood vessel in the right hand.
After the catheter enters, then the contrasting substance is injected through the catheter. The contrasting substance is the liquid that is inserted into the body with the aim of clarifying the results of the supporting examination.
"We saw the kontras through X-ray to see the location of the blockage of histe blood vessels. It is known that this patient's blockage is not very significant, so we only optimize medicines to prevent worsening or heart failure," he said.
He said the insignificant blockage means that the flow of oxygen supply is still quite optimal. If there are blockages and other worse indications, it will be continued to the ring installation.
"This tool (cath lab) is the first tool installed on the island of Flores, namely at the Komodo Hospital. This tool is for catheterization or inserting a catheter to see blood vessels. This tool can be used, includingaware heart disease and stroke," he said.
The patient with the initials SO (54) admitted that he did not feel pain when the catheterization was carried out. From action to completion, everything is felt safe.
"I didn't feel any pain, suddenly the action was over. Right now I don't feel any complaints," he said.
SO invites the public not to hesitate and not to be afraid to do a heart check with lab paint.
"People immediately check heart health at the Komodo Hospital. Now the equipment is sophisticated, there is no need to go to hospitals in other areas," he said.
Secretary of the Director General of Health Services at the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Sunarto, said that the Komodo Hospital has been running well, including having successfully operated lab paints.
"Cath lab is one of the sophisticated tools for diagnostics and treatment for heart problems. Currently, the heart team from the Ngoerah Bali hospital is still helping," he said.
Sunarto hopes that in the near future the Labuan Bajo Regional Government can have a cardiologist who lives in Komodo Hospital. He also hopes that there will be a neurologist or neurointervention doctor, so that heart and stroke services can run well.
"The Ministry of Health continues to help fulfill specialist doctors at the Komodo Hospital through the Director General of Health Services with supporting activities. This Komodo Hospital is regionally managed by the Ngoerah Hospital," he said.
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