
Head of the National Family Planning Population Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo asked the West Sumatra government to optimize central funds through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and Village Funds for handling stunting cases.

"The Stunting Acceleration Team in all regions, especially West Sumatra, will immediately start all actions and cooperation steps in efforts to reduce and handle stunting cases in the regions," said Hasto Wardoyo, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

He asked the Head of the West Sumatra BKKBN Representative Office as the person in charge of the population program in the regions to pay attention to four important things in efforts to deal with stunting.

According to him, the allocation and utilization of the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and Village Funds for stunting handling and DAK allocation for stunting handling must be optimal, including Village Funds.

"In this case, the role of the Stunting Task Force is very necessary," he said.

The second is the stunting foster father program in each region and mobilizes all converging, in this case the role of all agencies in handling stunting.

"This is to the office, their money should not be withheld for stunting handling," he said.

Furthermore, the mini loka program for stunting management at the sub-district level, at least once a month and this is very important because it can accommodate all problems from direct roots.

Furthermore, the fourth is to emphasize the importance of auditing stunting cases and audit questions should not be too fussy in the regions, but what is important is the recommendation from the results of audit discussions.

He hopes that the Task Force Coordination Meeting can be a momentum to check the root of the stunting problem in each region.

"The handling of stunting greatly affects human resources in the future, especially with regard to the demographic bonus that Indonesia will receive in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Main Secretary of the Central BKKBN, Tavip Agus Rayanto, who was present in Padang, said that this coordination meeting was very important to be held, to produce complete recommendations for handling stunting.

"The task force is the driving force in the field," he said.

He asked for the support of all Kaper to provide full support so that all Task Forces can work optimally.

"So I leave it with Kaper's mother, don't let them work alone and they must always pay attention to them, especially regarding the budget," he said.

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