
JAKARTA - The Rembang Police, Central Java, the arrival of a woman is suspected of having a mental disorder. The woman named Nuraini (27) asked a member of the Sector Police for help to bury the baby she was carrying using a finger.

Suddenly, the unusual guest surprised the Rembang Police. Because the baby that Nuraini carried, her own child, was dead. It is suspected that the baby was killed by him by strangling.

Based on information obtained from the police, Nuraini was finally secured at the Rembang Police cell. During the initial examination, Nuraini gave various information. Tends of confusion like a depressed person.

According to the KSPKT of the Rembang Police, Nuraini had killed her own baby by strangling her, on Tuesday, May 9. Nuraini is listed as a resident of Badminton Village, RT03/03, Rembang District, Rembang Regency, Central Java.

The baby boy is known to have been born on April 19, 2023, not even one month old. However, according to Nuraini's confession to the officer, the baby had an abnormality so that it made Nur strangled him to death.

Police officers who carried out the examination also secured a number ofULTu items in the form of a baby diapers, scarves or brown batik motifs, and one baby outfit.

Rembang Police Criminal Investigation Officer and PSC of the Rembang Health Service as well as the Rembang Police Sidokkes finally persuaded and asked the baby carrying Nuraini. After a medical check and examination was carried out, it was found that the baby who was the child of the perpetrator was already dead.

Then the child as the victim was taken to the morgue of the Rembang Hospital for an autopsy from the Central Java Police Biddokes team.

After an autopsy was carried out, the victim's body was handed over to her father, Nuraini's husband, Mahmud, in Tejuk Rembang Village for a funeral.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator, Nuraini, is still in a depressed condition and often screams and makes noise in the Rembang Police cell. Nur will be taken to the ER RSUD Rembang for treatment and observation at the psychiatric poly of the Rembang Hospital for the next few days.

This case was handled by the PPA unit of the Rembang Police.

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