
PEKALONGAN - Masih dalam momentum Bulan Syawal, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo silaturahmi ke Habib Lutfi bin Yahya, Selasa 9 Mei. Usai melaksanakan Gubernur Mengajar di Tegal, Ganjar langsung berangkat ke ndalem Habib Luthfi di Pekalongan.

Ganjar arrived at around 15.14 WIB in the Noyontaan area, East Pekalongan, Pekalongan City. The governor of Central Java for the two periods was immediately received by Habib Luthfi in his private room. Exactly an hour later, Ganjar left his room and said goodbye to Habib Luthfi.

The two-term Central Java governor said that his visit was also to make up for his longing for Habib Luthfi. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, said Ganjar, they have often met at certain events.

"Well, I often talk to him about sharing, and it's been a long time since yesterday in Solo I handed over the United Emirates mosque. 'How come you stopped by Pekalongan for a long time, I wanted to tell you a lot', that's it. And finally he told me a lot, "he explained.

Ganjar said, Habib Luthfi talked a lot about his duties as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres). Habib Luthfi said that currently he must go around national lectures to the public more often.

"Earlier he told how this nation and state must be managed properly, must listen to many parties, so that they get a good middle solution, and together go forward," he said.

"Because the situation outside Indonesia is also not easy, those are the values that I have always been very amazed by Habib Luthfi who is always concerned about such questions," added Ganjar.

The white-haired governor said Habib Luthfi also talked about security conditions in Indonesia, as well as how to accommodate more discussion spaces.

"Because there are so many people who want to express opinions, these are examples that I think are good. So the story is more about personal things," he said.

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