
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the hot temperature in Indonesia in the last few days has been a natural phenomenon.

Quoted from the BMKG statement via the official Instagram account @infoBMKG monitored in Jakarta, Saturday said that the hot temperature that occurred was a natural phenomenon in April and May, because normally this month there was an increase in the maximum daily temperature affected by the pseudo-solar motion, a normal cycle and occurs every year.

In addition, it was also conveyed that most parts of Indonesia are now entering the dry season with the dominance of the Australian monsoon wind which is generally dry with less humidity, the weather tends to be sunny and lack of cloud cover.

"In this condition, the intensity of solar radiation can be optimally accepted by the earth's surface so as to increase surface air heat," he explained.

He explained that Indonesia's current condition is not included in the heat wave category.

It is stated, on the basis of April III, 2023 or the period from April 21-30, the hot temperature of more than 35 degrees Celsius hit several BMKG work units such as the Kalimantan Meteorological Station (Berau) 36.4 degrees Celsius, Mutiara Sis-Al Jufri Meteorological Station (Palu) 36.2 degrees Celsius, Pangsuma Meteorological Station (Pendussibau Selatan, Kapuas Hulu) 35.9 degrees Celsius.

Then, Sentani Meteorological Station (Jayapura) 35.6 degrees Celsius, Tjilik Riwut Meteorological Station (Pahandut, Palangka Raya) 35.6 degrees Celsius, Tebelian Meteorological Station (Tebelian River, Sintang) 35.6 degrees Celsius, and Sanggu Meteorological Station (South Hamlet, South Barito) 35.5 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, it was explained that heat waves were still hitting the mainland of the southern Asian continent, although the trend was decreasing. The highest heat temperatures are in Myanmar and Thailand.

Previously, the Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati said that the hot temperature in Indonesia was not a heat wave, so people would not panic and remain vigilant.

He explained that heat waves generally occur in areas located at intermediate latitudes to high latitudes, in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere, in geographic areas that have or are adjacent to large mainland masses or continental or sub-continental areas.

"Meanwhile, Indonesia is located in an equatorial area, with geographical conditions in the archipelago surrounded by extensive waters," he explained.

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