
YOGAKARTA - The holding of the ASEAN 2023 Summit (KTT) is in sight. The meeting of the leaders of countries in Southeast Asia will be held in Labuan Bajo, NTT, from 9 to 11 May. What are the preparations for the ASEAN Labuan Bajo Summit like?

Given that the implementation of the ASEAN 2023 Summit, it remains only a matter of days, the Indonesian government and relevant stakeholders are prioritizing preparations for the event. Preparations for both substance and non-substantial are carried out carefully for the success of this year's ASEAN Summit.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, through the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, said that the preparations for the ASEAN Labuan Bajo Summit were carried out as well as possible and it was certain that it would run smoothly.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that preparations were made for the ASEAN Labuan Bajo Summit, including the readiness of Komodo Airport, preparation of hotels for lodging facilities, schedule of 8 meetings, and preparation of documents.

The government checks the readiness of Komodo Airport as an access to the arrival of ASEAN Summit participants. Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that currently Komodo Airport already has two routes, namely domestic routes and international routes. Later, facilities will also be provided for immigration and special conveyor belts to receive goods from abroad.

"So, airport preparations will continue to be carried out including signs for the implementation of the ASEAN Summit. So once again, the checks are carried out in detail," said Foreign Minister Retno.

The government has also prepared hotel facilities provided as lodging for state leaders at this ASEAN Summit. The President gave directions that hotel facilities provided must prioritize good hospitality and provide comfort. This was conveyed by Retno Marsudi via the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube regarding Preparedness for the Implementation of the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo.

"So, the President's direction is clear that good hospitality is also maintained for all of our guests who will take part in the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo and of course this is a good opportunity for Labuan Bajo promotion for Asean as well. of course the world, "said Retno Marsudi.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also said there would be 8 meetings at the 2023 ASEAN Summit which will be held for two days. On the first day, the President of the Republic of Indonesia will chair five meetings. Meanwhile, on the second day the President chaired two meetings. One meeting will be chaired by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in rotation.

"Regarding the substance preparation, I convey to the President that in a total of two days there will be eight meetings. On the first day there were five meetings, on the second day there were three meetings," said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.

Document preparation is also carried out for the smooth implementation of the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo. Regarding the preparation of documents at the 42nd ASEAN Summit, it is still at the negotiation stage at the high-ranking official level or Senior Officials Meeting (SOM).

"In Asean Matters, the documents are related to how ASEAN is trying to improve, strengthen itself so that it is able to face the challenges ahead. The "Epicentrum of Growth" is related to ASEAN's economic resilience," said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.

The government cooperates with the National Police to prepare security for security during the ASEAN Summit. With good security preparations, it is certain that the event can run smoothly and there will be no disturbances. A total of 2,627 personnel will participate in maintaining the Asean Summit in Labuan Bajo.

In addition, the NTT Police Chief also conveyed several appeals, namely, not to hold demonstrations during the Asean Summit, hoped to obey traffic engineering on the specified date and not park on the shoulder of the road, and also support various series of Asean Summit events.

This is information on the preparation of the ASEAN Labuan Bajo Summit which will be held on 9-11 May 2023. The government and a number of related parties work together to make thorough preparations for the smooth and security of the implementation of the ASEAN 2023 Summit.

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