
MEDAN - In the midst of the increasingly eroded polite attitude in this country, a number of examples emerged at the JBMI bihalal halal event (Jam'iyah Batak Muslim Indonesia). Held in Medan, last weekend the presence of the General Chair JBMI, H. Arif Rahmansyah Marbun was warmly welcomed by hundreds of JBMI cadres throughout North Sumatra.

This halal bihalal event as well as the submission of SK DPC JBMI throughout North Sumatra, was colored by discussions with the General Chairperson of JBMI, H. Arif Rahmansyah Marbun, who was accompanied by the Daily Chairperson of the JBMI DPP, Faisal Alfannsury Simanjuntak, Chairman of the North Sumatra JBMI DPW, Iqbal P. Simangusong, Deputy Chairperson of the North Sumatra JBMI DPW, Arifai Tambunan, and representatives from other management elements.

The discussion, which focuses on strengthening the vision and mission, also leads to preparations for the inauguration of the DPC JBMI Regency/City administrators in North Sumatra which will be held in June 2023, as well as reports on the activities of each DPC.

"JBMI is not an ordinary mass organization. This is a special mass organization. Its cadres come from various backgrounds. Starting from ulama, inter-islamic organizations, politicians from various cross-party groups, bureaucrats, academics, professionals, to entrepreneurs. The spirit of Dilihan Na Tolu is a strong guide for JBMI," said Arif Rahmansyah Marbun in a written statement received by VOI editors.

With the spirit of Dalihan Na Tolu, a Batak philosophy that carries a message of nationalism, strengthens noble values, and is full of hope for the realization of a society that lives prosperous and survives the world and the hereafter.

"We must continue to carry out this culture (Dalihan Na Tolu) to prevent the positivity of noble values inherent in this nation," added Arif Rahmansyah, General Chair of JBMI who is also the Special Staff of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Because of that'spirite', JBMI's movement is known to make many examples. Some of the latest, reported at the event.

In Labusel, for example, collectively, JBMI is working hand in hand to move programs to foster converts. "We don't want the converts to lose their way again because they don't get any insight into Islam since they say the creed," said a DPC administrator JBMI Labusel.

In North Labuhan Batu (Labura), JBMI was even involved in designing the construction of its area, and running a big harvest movement program with 8,000 farmers and coaching pesantren in the area.

And many reports from other Regency/City DPCs that inspire each other and become role models.

Also present at the halal bihalal event, Deputy DPP JBMI Lokot Nasution, Deputy DPP JBMI Adlin Tambunan who is also Deputy Regent of Serdang Berdagai, Chairman of DPP JBMI Aminullah Siagian, Hasbi Simanjuntak as Secretary of JBMI North Sumatra, Ichwan Habib Nasution as treasurer of the North Sumatra DPW, and Zulkifli Sitorus Deputy Chairperson of the North Sumatra DPW, and other figures.

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