
PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUPR), Riau Province has started to re-paling Jalan Datuk Setia Maharaja or known as Jalan Parit Indah which is budgeted through provincial government financial assistance worth IDR 5.3 billion.

Pekanbaru Regional Secretary (Sekdako) Indra Pomi Nasution said the treatment started from the intersection of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman to the intersection of Jalan Pesantren. The work was carried out in three sessions, the first was 1,680 meters long, the second was 318 meters, and the third was 50 meters.

"The 'overlay' project of Jalan Parit Indah has finished the auction stage. The auction for the work of Jalan Parit Indah coincides with Jalan Delima and Jalan Suka Karya," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 3.

The Regional Secretary said that Jalan Parit Indah was repaved and some were being treated. So, not along the road repaved, only 2 kilometers long in the three sessions.

Jalan Parit Indah is a route from within Pekanbaru City to Jalan Lintas Timur Sumatra via Jalan Pesantren. The condition of this road is quite badly damaged and viral on social media so that there is a group of youths who cast their own castings on a number of existing holes.

With the start of this work, it will certainly be a breath of fresh air for people who have long wanted the road to be in a decent condition. The plan is that during the work, the Pekanbaru City Transportation Service (Dishub) will close the Parit Indah Road section.

The head of the Pekanbaru City Transportation Agency, Yuliariso, said that his party would carry out traffic engineering. According to him, for people's transportation cars such as private cars and all kinds of things, later per segment will be diverted to alternative roads.

"Later, traffic engineering will be carried out per segment. And later we will tell you the location anywhere. What is clear is that for goods transport cars, we have directed them to the east and white sand routes and exits on Jalan Kaharuddin Nasution," he said.

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