
JAKARTA - The shooting at the MUI office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 2, at 10.00 WIB received the attention of many parties. The General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Youth Center who heard this incident responded and condemned the incident.

"This afternoon we heard that there had been a shooting at the MUI head office and it was reported that someone was injured as a result of the incident, we expressed our concern and strongly condemn the actions that threaten the safety of others", said Dzulfikar Ahmad, General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Youth Center, in a written statement.

"We certainly hope that the police can immediately reveal and arrest the perpetrators," added Dzulfikar.

The police are still investigating the crime scene (TKP) for the shooting at the Central Jakarta MUI office.

According to information obtained, the perpetrator named Mustofa came to MUI at around 10.00 WIB, and intended to enter the MUI office in Menteng, Central Jakarta.

At that time the perpetrator was asked by the security authorities about his purpose to go to the office. However, the security forces refused to cause acts of violence.

The perpetrator then took out a gun and shot at the MUI office glass. As a result, two MUI staff suffered gunshot wounds to the stomach.

The perpetrator and evidence of firearms were taken by officers and taken to the Menteng Police.

Based on the photo received, the perpetrator was caught wearing a black leather jacket.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Hady Saputra Siagian, confirmed the incident. He also said that the alleged perpetrator had died.

"It's true that we are still investigating it for a while. I went to the crime scene first. The perpetrator has died. (The victim-ed) We are still in the info," said Hady when confirmed, Tuesday, May 2.

When asked further about the chronology and modus operandi of the perpetrators to carry out the action, Hadi could not convey it. Because the incident is still being investigated.

"Later, if we get the identity of the background actor and so on, we will release the mode and so on," he concluded.

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