
SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji said that the celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri or Lebaran 2023 in the City of Heroes, East Java, took place safely, conducively, and solemnly. "Alhamdulillah, starting from the series of homecoming flows, the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and backflow are safe. Likewise, during one full month of Ramadan fasting, "said Cak Ji, Armuji's nickname in Surabaya, Monday, May 1. Cak Ji thanked the collaboration of the apparatus in the city of Surabaya from the police, TNI, Satpol PP to the Department of Transportation which helped smooth the homecoming flow to security. In fact, he continued, ahead of the celebration of Eid al-Fitr to date, the crime rate has dropped and the peak of the homecoming flow is running relatively smoothly in the city of Surabaya. "Accept the hard work of all ranks in the field and guarantee the safety and comfort of Surabaya city residents," he said. Cak Ji predicts that Monday is the peak of backflow and tourist visits so that he asked all ranks in the field to continue to strengthen the synergy to ensure conditions run safely.

According to him, a number of tourist-packed Surabaya City destinations include the Surabaya Zoo (KBS), Kenjeran Beach Entertainment Park (THP), Romokalisari Adventure Land. "All tourist attractions have been optimally secured. Hopefully this year's Eid will be memorable for those who celebrate," he said. For residents who are currently on their way back from their hometown to Surabaya, Cak Ji advised to remain careful on the road. "Make sure they can return home safely and return to their activities," he said.

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