JAKARTA - Police observer Ali Asghar appreciated the firmness of the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo in taking action against his subordinates who were proven to have committed violations, such as former Kadiv Propam Ferdy Sambo and former West Sumatra Police Chief Teddy Minahasa. According to Ali, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, April 29, the police chief's firmness shows that his figure is strongly committed to building ideals, namely presenting members of the police coveted by the community. "Pak Kapolri has been committed from the start. He has a vision and integrity to build the ideals of the police coveted by the community. If he doesn't have a strong commitment, which may be the Chief of Police," he said. Under the leadership of Listyo Sigit, a number of police officers who committed ethical or criminal violations have been dealt with firmly. Even from the development of such prosecutions, currently the former West Sumatra Police Chief Teddy Minahasa and former Kadiv Propam Ferdy Sambo are threatened with the death penalty. In the trial at the West Jakarta District Court, the public prosecutor demanded that Teddy be punished for being involved in the trafficking of narcotics of the type methamphetamine weighing five kilograms. The prosecutor assessed that Teddy was proven to have violated Article 114 paragraph (2) of the Narcotics Law juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code. Further, Ali said that so far Polri reforms have been running well, especially in the field of regulation. He gave an example that there are currently many internal regulations, including involving the code of ethics, which is a form of effort to build police integrity. Even so, he considered that the Police need to carry out reforms in the field of culture regarding the attitudes of the police members. "What has not been there, improvements or reforms in the cultural sector,attitude(sicap). Supposedly, starting from an early age, the education sector. This is a clean moment," said the academic from Bhayangkara University of Greater Jakarta. Subsequently, Ali reminded that the strong commitment of the National Police Chief in improving the image of the Police must be followed by all levels under him. Thus, every member of the Police who is proven to have made a mistake can be handled directly in accordance with the procedure that has been established.
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