The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has withdrawn all cases of alleged slander, defamation, and hate speech with reported researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin spread across several Regional Police. Thus, the investigation is centered in the Directorate of Cyber Crime.
"Later on, the report will be transferred to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Sandi Nugroho in his statement, Thursday, April 27.
Based on the data, there are three regional police officers who have received the case reporting. Currently, the investigative team has coordinated to delegate the handling to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
"Polda that has received similar reports are from the East Java Regional Police, the Yogyakarta Regional Police and the East Kalimantan Regional Police," he said.
For the development of case handling at Bareskrim, investigators will ask for statements from three witnesses today. They are from the reporting party, namely PP Muhammadiyah.
Then, the next step the investigators will also ask for information from Thomas Djamaluddin as a witness. This is because he owns a Facebook account commented on by Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin with a cynical and offensive tone.
However, the time for the examination has not yet been determined. The reason is that the administrative process is still being completed.
Then, investigators will also ask for expert information. The goal is to strengthen if there is a criminal element in the reporting carried out by representatives of the Muhammadiyah Youth Central Leadership (PP).
There are at least four experts who will be asked for their opinion. They are criminal experts, language, sociology, ITE, and social media.
"Examination of experts is in the process," said Sandi.
As a reminder, the alleged defamation case began with Thomas Djamaluddin's upload regarding the difference in the determination of Eid between the government and Muhammadiyah sparked various comments, one of which was AP Hasanuddin's comments that offended Muhammadiyah residents.
Initially, Thomas commented that Muhamamdiyah was no longer obedient to the Government's decision because setting Eid al-Fitr 1444 H was different from the Government's determination.
Thomas' comment was replied by the AP Hasanuddin account with a cynical and threatening tone. Several comments uploaded by AP Hasanuddin regarding the differences were also busy on social media.
"I don't hesitate to silence you Muhammadiyah who are still egocentric. Mr. Thomas, Mr. Ma'rufin, et al, how come it still doesn't work," wrote Hasanuddin's AP account.
Then, AP Hasanuddin also wrote a reply comment on the upload of Ahmad Fuazan S's account.
"Please report my comments with threats of murder!!! I'm ready to go to prison. I'm tired of your commotion!!!" wrote AP Hasanuddin in all big letters.
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