
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the hot temperature phenomenon that has occurred in Indonesia in the last few days has begun to decline.

"The heat temperature in Indonesia is not a heat wave and the maximum daily temperature has started to fall, people should not panic and remain vigilant," said BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati quoting Antara.

He explained that heat waves generally occur in areas located at intermediate latitudes to high latitudes, in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere, in geographic areas that have or are adjacent to large mainland masses or continental or sub-continental areas.

"Meanwhile, Indonesia is located in an equatorial area with geographical conditions in the archipelago surrounded by extensive waters," he explained.

He added that since last week until today, most of the countries in South Asia are still affected by heatwaves.

The Meteorology Agency in Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, China, Thailand, and Laos, has reported incidents of hot temperatures of more than 40 degrees Celsius that have been going on in recent days with new record-records of maximum temperature in its territory.

Regarding the maximum temperature spike that reached 37.2 degrees Celsius in Ciputat last week, Dwikorita said it only happened one day, to be precise on April 17, 2023.

"The high temperature has dropped, and now the maximum temperature is observed to be in the range of 34-36 degrees Celsius in several locations," he said.

He added that the maximum temperature variation of 34-36 degrees Celsius for Indonesia is still in the normal range of climatology compared to previous years.

He said that climatologically, specifically in the Jakarta area in the April-May-June period are months where the maximum temperature reaches its peak, in addition to October-November.

He explained that in characteristic of the phenomenon, the hot temperature that occurs in the territory of Indonesia is a phenomenon due to the apparent motion of the Sun which is an ordinary cycle and occurs every year, so that the potential for hot air temperatures like this can also be repeated in the same period every year.

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