
Teenagers in Depok City continue to increase. Most recently, the Depok Metro Police arrested 367 brawlers, who were mostly still students on March 23-April 14, 2023.

The Depok City Government, West Java, through the local Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) said conducting a study related to the increasing conflict among teenagers.

Head of Depok City Bappeda Dadang Wihana, Saturday, said the study was compiled by a team from across sectors and regional apparatus.

"In this study, we are discussing the steps that can be taken in anticipating and preventing brawls so that they do not happen again in the future," said Dadang in Depok, West Java, Saturday.

He explained that the study was aimed at identifying the factors that caused student brawls, as well as tracing family backgrounds, school environmental conditions, and playing friends of the perpetrators.

"We invite police elements, University of Indonesia (UI) psychologists, sociologists, students, and regional apparatus to collect input regarding the cause of the brawl, then discuss it and arrange it into a study material," he explained, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 15.

Meanwhile, the Depok Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. H. Ahmad Fuady at the Depok Police Headquarters explained that the security of hundreds of brawlers occurred thanks to the synergism between the Depok Metro Police and the TNI Kodim 0508/Depok, as well as the role of Pamswakarsa and Polri partners.

"Of the 141 perpetrators who were arrested, the average high school student, SMK, and the rest were from junior high school aged from 16 to 19 years," said Ahmad Fuady.

He said the brawl based on the data collected was 63 times that occurred in 11 sub-districts in Depok City.

"The brawl occurred 63 times, meaning that last night there were two to three brawls, both those that were prevented and what had happened," he said.

He added that the perpetrators of the brawl who were arrested were members of a gang or group.

"Thanks to the synergism of the TNI, Polri, Depok Metro Police, with Kodim 0508/dpk, as well as the role of Pamswakarsa with Polri partners can prevent brawls that occur or those that have not with the total perpetrators that we have secured, there are 367 perpetrators," said Ahmad Fuady.

Regarding the confiscated evidence, there were dozens of sharp weapons of the type of sickles, swords, samurai, machetes, scissors, golf sticks, and some sarongs tied to be trimmed containing wires and stones.

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