JAKARTA - Citizens on social media were busy discussing automated teller machines (ATMs) that provide IDR 20 thousand in cash. Two State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) banks, namely PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk stated that they still have ATMs with the Rp20 thousand denomination.
BNI Corporate Secretary Meiliana said that her company has 104 ATMs that provide IDR 20 thousand denominations. "Most of them are placed in locations with a high demand for the Rp20 thousand denomination, such as campuses, shopping centers, and certain branch offices," Meiliana told VOI , Wednesday, February 12.
He explained, of the 104 ATMs in the Rp20 thousand denomination, 12 units are in Banten and its surrounding areas, and 11 ATMs in Malang, East Java. The rest, he said, was scattered in other regions.
Meanwhile, Bank Mandiri stated that it still has 23 ATM units with Rp20 thousand denominations. ATMs are mostly spread across the premises of Bank Mandiri and the campus area.
"The ATM is still actively operating considering that there are still people withdrawing Rp20 thousand in cash in the area," said PT Bank Mandiri Senior Vice President (SVP) of Transaction Banking and Retail Sales, Thomas Wahyudi, when contacted by VOI , Wednesday, February 12.
However, he said, currently Bank Mandiri is starting to reduce the number of small denominated ATMs to support Bank Indonesia's program in reducing the amount of cash circulation (National Non-Cash Movement).
"The technical reason itself is that most of the conditions for small denominations of cash are pretty much not feasible to be circulated through ATMs where ATM machines can only process cash in good condition 60-70 percent," he explained.

As for the consideration of ATM placement, said Thomas, based on use cases , operational considerations and cash withdrawal transaction history at that location.
Thomas explained that currently Bank Mandiri's distribution services are equipped with ease of transactions in transactions in more than 53 thousand ATM Link networks, 2,000 deposit-withdrawal ATMs that are also supported by ATM Prima, ATM Bersama, and Visa / Plus networks.
Economic researcher from the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), Bhima Yudhistira, said that ATMs with IDR 20 thousand denominations are still very much needed. Because the nominal money withdrawal is relatively small, these 20 thousand ATMs can be placed around schools, markets, or campuses.
"Most of the Rp20 thousand denomination ATMs are still needed by students, students and traders," said Bhima when contacted by VOI , Monday, February 10.
He said that several banks still maintain ATMs of 20 thousand, some of which are DKI Bank, BNI and Bank Mandiri. Even so, they did not exist much, because usually private banks were no longer targeting small denominations of money.
"They prefer target customers from the middle and upper classes. When viewed in terms of transactional activities, the corporate market often transacts in large amounts," said Bhima.
However, said Bhima, ATMs in the Rp20 thousand denomination are still being looked at by the aspiring middle class, which number around 115 million people in Indonesia.
"They are not poor but vulnerable to poverty. They are predominantly not in cities, but in the regions," said Bhima.
-Twitt relax. It's been a long time since I never saw 20 thousand ATMs again. Like how long I haven't been to Harco, most recently when I was studying at UI. Today at Harco Mangga Dua I saw him again. Great @BNI !
The last time you withdrew money at the ATM was 20 thousand? pic.twitter.com/8g3aeMnoFd
- JANSEN SITINDAON (@jansen_jsp) January 30, 2020
The viral ATM of the Rp 20 thousand denomination was first published by Democratic Party politician Jansen Sitindaon in his upload on Twitter on January 30, 2020. According to VOI , Jansen's tweets were retweeted 198 times and the number of likes was 1,300.
DKI Bank Also Has
Bank DKI denominated Rp20 thousand in ATM. The bank, which is owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, apparently still has several ATM machines denominated in Rp20 thousand, one of which is located at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta.
"We still provide ATM cash withdrawal services in the Rp 20 thousand denomination to accommodate the needs of the community, including students, such as the Jakarta Smart Card and the Jakarta Excellence Student Card. Therefore, we have placed a number of ATMs with these denominations in several segmented locations such as Pamulang University. , "said the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini.
As of February 2020, Bank DKI has 1,085 ATM machines scattered in DKI Bank Service Offices, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Offices, BUMD Offices, Private Agencies and Hospitals, Public Facilities, Shopping Centers, and Mobile Cash Cars. Bank DKI ATMs also provide routine bill payment features such as telephone, electricity, telecommunications products, insurance premiums, Land and Building Tax, and Motor Vehicle Tax extensions.
Despite providing ATMs for the Rp20 thousand denomination, Herry still recommends making non-cash transactions, one of which is using JakOne Mobile.
The application, which consists of mobile banking and mobile wallet , has a number of interesting features such as Paying Bills as Easy as Status Update, where payment of telephone bills, PDAM bills, electricity tokens, BPJS Health, Zakat, Airplane or Train tickets and other bill payments can be made more easy, practical and hassle-free via JakOne Mobile.
Bank DKI also offers convenience for its customers through JakOne Mobile, including the payment of land and building taxes and annual motor vehicle taxes.
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