
YOGYAKARTA - There are a number of facts about the IDR 189 trillion gold export scandal revealed by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati. The Minister of Finance revealed the issue of a gold scandal at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC). This case is included in the transaction of Rp. 349.87 trillion which shocked the public.

Sri Mulyani revealed that there were 65 letters, there was one letter that stood out. The letter numbered SR-205 which shows transactions of Rp189 trillion concerning customs and tax transactions. To investigate the case of a gold scandal of Rp189 trillion, the Minister of Finance said he would continue to coordinate further with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

"PPATK and the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) under the coordination of the Money Laundering Committee (TPPU) will continue to carry out further coordination to carry out deepening, especially regarding the results of the legal process that has been carried out, existing data, and the results of the analysis," said Sri Mulyani.

A gold transaction scandal worth Rp. 189 trillion has previously been taken. However, the possibility of other violations is still being investigated further. The following are the facts of the gold export scandal of Rp. 189 trillion that need to be known.

The gold export scandal worth IDR 189 trillion is part of an odd transaction of IDR 349 trillion in the PPATK letter since 2009-2023. Sri Mulyani revealed that the Ministry of Finance would follow up on odd transactions worth IDR 253 trillion from the 65 PPATK letters.

Of the 65 letters, there is a prominent letter containing the company's or corporate operational credit debt transaction with the largest transaction of IDR 189 trillion. The transaction concerns the duties and functions of the Ministry of Finance, especially the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) and DJBC).

The letter began with the DJBC's intelligence analysis and field supervision of gold exports. In the intelligence activity, on January 21, 2016 Customs and Excise Soekarno Hatta Airport arrested and took action against gold export activities through cargo at Soetta Airport on behalf of PT X.

Sri Mulyani said that the arrests and prosecutions had been followed by an investigation and court process. The processing of the gold export scandal case has been carried out from the District Court in 2017 to the Supreme Court (MA).

"As a result, the final decision against individual perpetrators is released from all lawsuits. Meanwhile, the final decision against the perpetrators of the corporation was found guilty and sentenced to a sentence of Rp. 500 million," said Sri Mulyani.

After the arrest and judicial process of the gold transaction scandal case, DJBC together with PPATK conducted an in-depth investigation and investigated the case again over affiliated related companies.

Customs and Excise also takes steps to tighten and supervise gold imports through the red line. The gold is physically opened and seen to ensure that the goods are in accordance with the Goods Import Notification (PIB) document.

"All of them are now entering the red route. This means that the physical red lane is opened and seen to ensure that the goods are the same as imported goods documents," said Sri Mulyani.

Such is the review of the fact of the IDR 189 trillion gold export scandal involving DJBC. Sri Mulyani said, based on Customs and Excise exposure to PPATK in 2020, it was concluded that joint investigation was necessary to prove indications of violations in the customs sector.

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