Ministry Of Trade Raids Illegal Oil Warehouse In Tangerang
An atmosphere of raiding an illegal oil warehouse in Tangerang/ Photo: IST


TANGERANG - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) visited a warehouse in Gang Ambon, Neutugtog, Pinang, Tangerang City, which was allegedly used as a place to store illegal oil. We went to this warehouse to monitor the alleged illegal oil," said one of the Ministry of Trade officers who did not want to be named, Thursday, April 13, in the early hours of the morning. When asked about this warehouse whether it was true that the warehouse for the placement of illegal oil production was, he was reluctant to explain in detail. Because according to them, this is still preliminary data so it cannot be submitted. As a place of storage. This is just the beginning, wait for the results," he said.

For information, in the field, a number of people wearing white shirts were seen pacing back and forth in the warehouse area. It appears that several officers were seen recording several boxes or boxes suspected of being containers of oil bottles. It was also seen that the officers were carrying two bottles that were suspected of being oil from the warehouse. "Just stick," he said.

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