
TANGERANG - Circulating a letter requesting donations for the activities of the Pancasila Youth Community Organization (Ormas) in the Larangan area, Tangerang City. In a letter circulating written, the mass organization asked for money to secure the Takbiran night, Eid al-Fitr 1444 H.

There is a letterhead from the letter of interest in the funds. The letter was also addressed to all traders, or business entities.

"As strengthening the unity and integrity of external and internal communities and businesses around the sub-district, the north ban synergizes," the letter wrote.

"We, the management of the Pemuda Pancasila (PP) branch of North Larangan Village, work together to maintain security on the night of Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1444 H," he continued.

One of the traders at Larangan who did not want to be named, admitted that he received the circular letter from the mass organization. In fact, the letter was received by all small traders around him.

"I also got it. Around I got it all. There are (carp) shaving, martabak and warteg. He forces it," he said.

Not only that, other mass organizations also do the same thing, asking for donations for open activities together in the Lengkong area, Serpong, South Tangerang. In the letterhead, the name of the mass organization is written on the date of submission Monday, April 10, 2023.

The letter reads none other than asking for donations to hold an event or iftar activities with the month of Ramadan 2023. Meanwhile, they will hold it on Wednesday, April 19.

"Together with this, we, the management of L** Indonesia DPC South Tangerang City, ask for help in participating in ladies and gentlemen, God willing, we will hold an open event with all members," the letter said.

Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih admitted that he had not received any such reports.

Nevertheless, he appealed to the public if they were asked for money by force, then immediately report it to his party for follow-up.

"We from the South Tangerang Police appeal to any parties who receive a request letter asking for assistance in a number of funds, and object to refusing not to provide it," said Galih in a short message, Wednesday, April 12.

"If forcing or accompanied by threats or violence violates the law, please report it. We will definitely handle it," he added.

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