
JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) revealed that four of the five DPR leaders did not comply with reporting their wealth.

This data is the result of a study of compliance with the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) on the leadership of the DPR Council Apparatus (AKD) for the 2019-2024 period.

"We are sad to see it because it turns out that the leadership of the DPR out of five, four of whom are not compliant in reporting LHKPN. They do not comply, either they are late in reporting LHKPN or do not periodically report LHKPN," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a Friends ICW YouTube show quoted Monday, April 9.

Kurnia did not specify who the leadership of the DPR was. However, currently the DPR RI is led by Puan Maharani along with four of her representatives, namely Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Rachmad Gobel, and Muhaimin Iskandar.

Next there are 37 commission leaders, 2 legislative body leaders, 2 budget agency leaders, 3 household affairs agencies, 2 heads of inter-parliamentary cooperation agencies, 3 heads of state financial accountability agencies, and 3 leaders of the honorary council (MKD) who also did not comply with reporting their wealth.

"If we look at the 37 leaders of this commission, of the total 55, we can imagine that a total of more than 60 percent of these leaders do not comply with reporting LHKPN. Of course we are confused about why they can be appointed by their political party to become the leader of the commission," said the anti-corruption activist.

Due to this condition, ICW then made four recommendations that must be implemented by all parties. First, the government is asked to immediately revise the Anti-Corruption Law and include provisions regarding the liquid investment.

"Second, the DPR immediately revised the code of ethics because it does not regulate sanctions for DPR members who do not comply with reporting LHKPN. For example, if legislative members report late, their salaries can be suspended until LHKPN reports are made to the KPK," said Kurnia.

Third, ICW asked the KPK to announce the name of the state administrator, especially members of the DPR who do not comply with reporting their wealth. Finally, the party was also asked to regulate the obligation to report assets for its cadres.

"This week ICW will report 55 leaders of Council Apparatus that do not comply with reporting LHKPN to the Honorary Council of the Council (MKD). The encouragement is that MKD can impose sanctions, for example dismissal as the Head of Council Apparatus for those who violate LHKPN compliance," concluded Kurnia.

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