
The KLATEN - Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, checked prices at the Klaten Regency Sragu Market on Saturday, April 8. There, he found that the price of vegetables and fruit in the market was still stable even though demand increased during the month of Ramadan.

"So this is a vegetable market, a place for selling collectors and shopping traders to be distributed. On average, vegetable and fruit prices are stable, there is no significant increase," said Ganjar.

The price of chili is usually high, now down and back to normal. Terongs, cucumbers, and fruits such as watermelons, melons, and others are also priced stable. Only the price of tomatoes is slightly rising.

Ganjar hopes that the supply and availability of goods will remain smooth so that inflation can be controlled.

"Hopefully this is their fortune. But the important thing is that the supply is smooth, the availability is there, the price is stable. Now, if we can control this, the inflation can also be controlled," he said.

Traders in the market also said that their sales turnover was increasing. Ganjar asked local governments to be diligent in monitoring and checking prices in the market so that they can find out their condition.

"Hopefully, my friends will also be quite diligent in the local government, the Regency Government, the City Government, all of them will continue to check the prices in the market like this so that we can find out the supply of demand, including the stabilization of the price," he concluded.

Salah satu pedagang, Mbah Rawe, mengatakan bahwa tidak ada kenaikan harga sayuran, termasuk harga onion yang masih stabil. Cabai merah curly dijual Rp17,000 per kilogram, cayenne pepper Rp23,000 per kilogram.

"The price of onions also doesn't increase, other vegetables are still safe. Cooking oil supply is smooth, our oil price is stable at Rp. 14,000," he said.

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