
JAKARTA - Former Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that entrepreneurship education is important for students because it is the basis for self-development.

" Entrepreneurship education is the basis for self-development for students. It is important for campuses to provide entrepreneurship education for at least one semester in all study programs," said Jusuf Kalla in a scientific oration of Graduation and Graduates at Yarsi University, in Jakarta, Saturday, April 8.

With entrepreneurship education, he said, campuses have prepared jobs and helped the welfare of the community. If this is not done, the campus will be left behind.

In addition, conflicts in Indonesia, including democratic problems, can be reconciled by creating a balance through the economy with entrepreneurial education.

"If later become a businessman, stick to the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity and must quickly adapt to his new environment quickly," said Jusuf Kalla, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, decisions are made consistently and record data, information, and the decision-making process that is carried out and then evaluate and review.

Universities must be able to educate students to provide a balance of general science with religion without leaving entrepreneurship. The Chancellor of Yarsi University, Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal, said that campuses are centers of innovation. From campuses can look to the future based on past learning.

Entrepreneurship education must be developed by universities. His party has started developing an economic team that discusses entrepreneurial education.

"We are ready to provide entrepreneurial insight, with this insight, there will be a spirit of entrepreneurship passionate about students, bolder, then later become successful entrepreneurs," added Fasli.

On that occasion, Fasli advised graduates that success is not determined by how high the intellectual (IQ) or the high academic value is only or leadership in various extra-curricular activities only. However, more success is determined by Guts, Resilience, Initiative (GRIT)

GRIT is a combination of passion or love for what we do with sustainance, toughness and endurance or a spirit of never giving up when we face challenges or failures.

Deputy Chancellor I of Yarsi University, Dr. Wening Sari MKes, said that the graduate and graduate graduates were attended by 439 students consisting of 193 graduates from the Faculty of Medicine, 14 graduates from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, 71 graduates from the Faculty of Law and 5 graduates from the Faculty of Psychology.

Then 55 graduates from the Management Study Program (Prodi), 28 graduates from Accounting, 35 graduates from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, seven graduates from the Library and Information Science Program. Then eight graduates from the Graduate School of the Masters of Management, 14 graduates from the Masters Program of the Association, nine graduates from the Biomedical Science Program

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