
LEBAK- The Lebak Resort Police (Polres), Banten, investigated the discovery of thousands of Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) in a junk stall in Narimbang Mulya Village, Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.

"We have ordered officers to investigate the discovery of thousands of KIPs," said Lebak Police Chief AKBP Wiwin Setiawan in Lebak, Saturday, April 8.

The discovery of KIP at the junk stall was allegedly for distribution in Lebak and Pandeglang Regencies. Where there are 699 Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) documents for public and private vocational schools in Lebak, while 3,000 SMK, SMA, and MTs documents in Pandeglang Regency.

The discovery of thousands of KIPs, according to him, was published in 2019 and 2020 for the Lebak and Pandeglang areas stored in 18 cardboard boxes and 2 sacks found in junk stalls.

He said officers had checked the crime scene (TKP) and it was true that thousands of KIPs were found.

Based on reports from the owner of the junk stall, the KIP was sold by two unknown people. "We hope that the perpetrator selling KIP can be revealed," said the Police Chief, quoted by Antara.

The police chief said that his party would ask for information from BNI as the party that distributed PIP assistance funds.

"Officers will also examine the principal and students whose names are listed in the document, including the service and ministry. We will work hard to explore the case of the discovery of thousands of KIPs in the rongsok stall," he said.

He said the thousands of KIPs were found on Thursday, April 6, at 16.00 WIB after information from the public.

Officers immediately secured KIP documents in a junk stall in Narimbang Mulya Village, Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.

Meanwhile, Udin (55), the owner of the trangsok, admitted that he received thousands of documents and KIPs from two people who came to sell used goods. "The number of KIPs and PIP documents is 400 kilograms, sold for Rp. 2,000/kilograms," said Udin.

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