
PekanbarU - Pekanbaru City Government (Pemkot) issued a circular prohibiting civil servants (ASN) and local officials from accepting gifts in any form or gratuities to welcome Eid al-Fitr to avoid preventing corruption.

Pekanbaru Mayor Muflihun explained Circular Letter (SE) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Prevention of Corruption and Control of Gratification Related to Holidays issued referring to the order of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This circular has been distributed to all regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

"There are several contents, one of which is the prohibition on accepting and giving parcels and so on. We ask all OPD heads and their staff to be able to guide the KPK circular," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 8.

In the circular, it is stated that civil servants and State Administrators must be good role models for the community by not making requests, gifts, and receiving gratuities related to their positions and contrary to their obligations or duties, and not taking advantage of holiday celebrations to commit acts or corrupt actions.

These actions are considered to cause conflicts of interest, are contrary to regulations / code of ethics, and have the risk of criminal sanctions.

Furthermore, civil servants or state administrators if they receive gratuities related to positions and contrary to their obligations or duties, are required to report to the KPK within 30 working days from the date of receiving gratuities.

The receipt of gratuities in the form of food/drink parcels that are easily damaged and/or expired can be distributed as social assistance to orphanages, nursing homes, or parties in need, and reports to the Gratification Control Unit (UPG) in their respective agencies accompanied by explanations and documentation of the handover.

"We hope that everyone can understand and obey the circular," said Muflihun.

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