
The condition of the Cakranegara Market, in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province is now quite concerning. The Mataram City Government, West Nusa Tenggara Province, requires a budget of IDR 15 billion for the revitalization of the market so that it can become a clean, safe, and comfortable traditional market for various public transaction activities.

"The condition of the Cakranegara Market is urgent to be revitalized because it is not representative," said Head of the Mataram City Trade Office (Disdag) Uun Pujianto in Mataram, Saturday.

In this regard, the Mataram City Disdag has proposed budget assistance of Rp. 15 billion to the central government through the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia's assistance (TP).

In early 2022, the proposed Cakranegara Market revitalization budget assistance has been proposed in the amount of Rp. 12.5 billion, but it is still being processed. Meanwhile, in 2023 there was a change in the price unit so that the aid proposal was again proposed at a price that had been adjusted to Rp. 15 billion.

"We have submitted a proposal and we will continue to fight for it because it has become the central government's promise to support the revitalization of the Cakranegara Market," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 8.

According to him, with these funds, Cakranegara Market revitalization activities will be carried out thoroughly until they are completed by optimizing market markets on the second floor.

Basic food traders, convection and others will occupy the second floor of Cakranegara Market, so that vehicle parking can enter and no longer use edges or road bodies.

"So far, the existence of the Cakranegara Market seems narrow and even chaotic because the vehicle is parked on the road," he said.

Vehicles parked on the road, he added, also had an impact on traffic jams on the main road where the area should have been sterile from roadside parking.

"Therefore, we hope that in the future the government can help organize activities so that the area can be better organized and can optimize regional income," he said.

He said, if the parking has entered the market area, it can optimize the income from parking fees, as well as traders can use more optimally on the second floor.

"Every day, Cakranegara Market contributes around Rp600 thousand in retribution. Hopefully, after the retribution is arranged, it can increase," he concluded.

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