
Seeds of Cyclone 98S were observed in the NTT region from 8-11 April 2023 based on the BMKG forecast. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara appealed to residents to take mitigation steps against hydrometeorological disasters.

"We inform the sub-district head, village head, and community to be aware of Tropical Cyclone 98S which can have an impact on floods, flash floods, landslides, lightning strikes, and strong winds by carrying out preparedness steps," said Head of BPBD Ende Regency. Maria Yasinta Sare from Ende, Saturday, April 8.

The 98S cyclone seeds were observed approaching the Timor Sea south of Saumlaki with a maximum wind speed of 30 knots.

This condition can increase the growth of rain clouds and the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

Yasinta Sare asked residents to take mitigation steps such as evacuating themselves to a safer place if high-intensity rain with a duration of more than an hour and a visibility of 30 meters is not clearly visible.

Furthermore, residents are asked to reduce activities outside the home, such as driving, fishing, sailing, or traveling in the sea when it rains and winds are strong.

If they encounter heavy rain on the way, residents are asked to immediately find shelter. He advised residents not to take shelter under trees because they are prone to falling and lightning.

Another mitigation step that residents need to take is to trim trees or tree branches that are fragile and easily broken, then repair the roof of the house.

Furthermore, residents are asked to clean up trash in ditches or waterways.

"If there is a disaster, report it through the Ende Regency Pusdalops," he advised as written by ANTARA.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of NTT Province, Ambrosius Kodo, has issued a letter of early warning of cyclone seeds addressed to all BPBD chief implementers in districts/cities.

Ambrosius asked the head of BPBD in districts/cities to ensure the availability of rice logistics and others in emergency conditions.

Then he asked to improve coordination with all stakeholders in their respective regions for disaster preparedness.

"We urge the public not to panic but to continue to increase awareness of potential extreme weather and the impact of hydrometeorological disasters," said Ambros.

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