
The payment of the cost of organizing the Hajj (BPIH) for prospective pilgrims in Bengkulu is set at IDR 21 million per person.

The determination was called the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kanwil Kemenag) Bengkulu Province based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo Number 7 of 2023 that the embarkation of Padang, West Sumatra amounted to Rp46 million.

"Especially for Bengkulu Province, BPIH follows BPIH from the Padang embarkation. Because Bengkulu Hajj follows Padang embarkation, which is Rp46 million and BPIH Bengkulu or Padang embarkation is included in the three lowest BPIH," said the Head of Hajj and Umrah Organizing Division of the Bengkulu Intilah Provincial Regional Office in Bengkulu City, Saturday.

He mentioned that the Rp21 million payment fee was for prospective regular pilgrims departing in 2023 after deducting the initial deposit of prospective pilgrims to the bank when registering.

The use of BPIH is used for the cost of Hajj flights, the cost of living for pilgrims and some worship services in Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina.

"The amount of Bipiah as intended is used for costs, Hajj flights, living costs and part of the cost of Arafah, Mudzalifah, and Mina services," he said.

As for prospective pilgrims who have paid off but delayed departures in 2022, it is enough to pay a fee difference of around Rp. 7 million and for the congregation to pay off the 2020 delay, no additional costs are charged.

Meanwhile, regarding the time of payment, his party is still waiting for a circular from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion.

He added that 1,636 hajj candidates from Bengkulu Province will perform the pilgrimage, consisting of 747 regular hajj candidates departing according to the hajj portion, two people being paid off for the 2022 delay and 898 candidates for the 2020 delay who failed to leave due to age constraints.

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